Interpretation of ‘Al-Falah’ in Adhan

13/02/2013 11:35


During the call for Salah, the one phrase that is attractive, persuasive and thought provoking is Hayyah Al-Alfalah (Come towards Salvation). This is one of the most important phrases of Adhan, and different people put forward different interpretations of word Falah.

The word Falah literally means salvation. However, the type of salvation is interpreted differently by different groups of people. Similarly, it is imperative that those who read Quran online( must know about the meaning of verses as well. The lines below give the best interpretation of Falah.

Salvation is a relative term and varies from person to person. For instance, for a sick person, salvation would mean he becoming healthy and all the pain and agony fading away. For a poor person, salvation would mean he getting enough food to fill the stomach, facilities available for him to live life with ease and never to face the days of hunger would be salvation.

If the Falah, in Adhan be interpreted, then it can be interpreted as liberation. As Adhan is the call for Salah, and Salah liberates a person from everything that has a negative connotation associated with it. liberation from sins, liberation from darkness, liberation from worries and woes, liberation from hell and all other liberations come from Salah. Thus, the Salvation provided by Salah means liberation for a believer.

In Quran, Allah Almighty says:

“The Believers must (eventually) win through.”  (23:1)

This ayah of Quran shows that the believers are the ones who will eventually win, and this Salvation is their win which will come from the means of Salah. Therefore, the word Falah, means Salvation for a believer, and Salvation for him means liberation from the what Quran has called evil and the resultant hell, and win on what Quran has called the blessings and eventually entering Paradise.